Map of Life
Read and download the recently released Species Protection Report here.


Sources for region datasets

Sources for species distribution information

Species group Dataset Source
Birds Jetz Bird Maps Jetz et al. 2012
Mammals Mammal Diversity Database v1.2 MDD (2020)
Amphibians IUCN Amphibian Range MapsIUCN (2022)
Reptiles Global Assessment of Reptile Distributions (GARD 1.7) Roll et al. 2017, Caetano et al. (2022), Roll et al. (2022)

Taxonomic resolution summary

Species group Taxonomic source Total cleaned GBIF/eBird records
Birds Jetz et al. (2012) 9,993
Mammals Wilson et al. (2009-2019) 6,248
Amphibians IUCN (2022) 6,437
Reptiles Roll et al. (2017) 10,064

Sources for species habitat and elevation information

  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2022. Version 2021-3 Downloaded on 2022-02-22


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